Membership Requirements

ARES conducts various activities with the support of its members.
There are two types of membership: Regular Members and Associate Members.

Regular Members


Those eligible for membership in this category are entities that run or about to launch the business of real estate securitization, or entities that invest in real estate and real estate securitization products, and meet all the requirements set below:

  1. Licensed, authorized or registered under the Real Estate Transaction Law, Trust Business Law / Act on Provision of Trust Business by Financial Institutions, Banking Law, Insurance Business Act, Financial Instruments and Exchange Act*, or Real Estate Investment Advisory Business Registration (General).
    *Relevant businesses in the Act are Type I Financial Instruments Business, Type II Financial Instruments Business, Investment Advisory and Agency Business, and Investment Management Business including Investment Trust Management Business.
  2. Have a capital of 100 million yen or more, or an equal or superior business base.
  3. Notwithstanding the above requirements, acknowledged by the board of the Association that the entity will contribute to the Association’s activities.
  4. Have a reference from at least two Regular Members of the Association.

Initial Fee: 3 million yen
Annual Fee: 2.5 million yen

Services and Benefits
  • Eligibility to attend all general meetings with voting rights.
  • Eligibility to attend committees, seminars and workshops held by the Association.
  • Privilege to receive publications and the Association magazines.
  • Privilege to receive various information on a priority basis.

Associate Members


Those eligible for membership in this category are entities that run the business relevant to the real estate securitization, and agree with the objectives of the Association and have an intention to support its activities, and also meet the requirement set below:

  1. Have a reference from at least one Regular Member of the Association.

Initial Fee: None
Annual Fee: 400,000 yen per unit

*However, 500,000 is applied for entities that correspond to any of the following:

  1. Registered under the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act as Type 1 Financial Instruments Business, Type II Financial Instruments Business, Investment Advisory and Agency Business, or Investment Management Business including Investment Trust Management Business.
  2. Permitted, registered, or have made a filing under the Real Estate Syndication Act.
Services and Benefits
  • Receive reports of the activities of committees.
  • Eligibility to attend seminars held by the Association with a special rate (excluding some seminars).
  • Privilege to receive publications and the Association magazines.
  • Privilege to receive various information.

For more information and inquiries our membership, please call +81-3-3505-8001